Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Beginning of the End

I can't believe it is September already! This summer flew by. I'm starting to get ready for classes to start and, of course, I have a million pages to read before the first day of class. It's the beginning of the end of my college career and I have to say that I will not miss the homework and the reading after I graduate. But it's too early to start talking about school- I still have one full week of summer break left.

What have I been up to in the last month? Not much. I worked quite a bit and did some fun summer things at home. I've helped keep Marley (the puppy) out of trouble. Arron and I took a spur of the moment camping trip up to Door County. We camped at Peninsula State Park with the three dogs. We went hiking, did some wine tasting, toured the wine place, and explored the little shops. It was a lot of fun and it was a much needed getaway from sitting at home in Oshkosh. I love being spontaneous and having the freedom to just pick up and leave on little trips like that. It just makes the trips even more fun!

It is so nice to have my girly friends back in town. One of the best things about fall is getting back together with friends that have been away all summer. The other morning I was able to spend some time with some good friends and we had an amazing time together- the start of an awesome semester!

I do have one request from the people who are reading my blog. Since I am graduating in December, I will then be on my own financially. I haven't really been able to save a lot this summer since I was only scheduled to work limited hours. Today my financial aid went through and they ended up decreasing the amount I could receive. I had been depending on some of that money to help me through after school. I also am unsure if I will have a job this fall as they are laying people off based on seniority and I am close to the bottom of the list. The money situtation will be tight...I know that God will provide, but I just get a little nervous about the situation. Please pray that I will be able to budget my money, keep my job, find a new one, or that money will fall from the sky.

Have a great day!

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