Friday, March 25, 2011

Catching up

Life has been quite exciting for us lately.  We've recovered from all the stress and excitement of wedding details and have started settling into reality.  However, in the last few weeks Arron got a job (yay!) and we bought a car.  Actually both exciting events happened in the same day.  Here's the story...before our wedding Arron had a phone interview with a HR person from a staffing agency.  While they were discussing possible jobs available for him, they came to the conclusion that there really wasn't anything that he wanted to do.  A few weeks after the wedding and no more luck with the job search, Arron decided to call the agency back and check to see if there was something, anything available for him.  They still had an opening at a chemical company, working on a 3-6 month project and after a few interviews was hired on for the job.  The only problem was that we only had one car (long story, but in short...Arron was in a rollover accident and totaled his truck about a month before our wedding...thank God he came out of it without any injuries).  We quickly realized that our one car wasn't going to be able to split in two and be available for him to drive to work at 7:30 am when I get off of work at 7:30 am and have a 20 minute commute home.  Arron had been looking at cars since his accident and had an idea of what he wanted, Chevy Equinox to be exact, and he quickly found one in our price range on the internet.  So after he signed his paperwork for his new job, we made our way to the car dealer and got our new 2007 Chevy Equinox.  It has been nice having a nicer car to drive around, since mine needs a little bit of tender loving care lately.  In short, it was a super exciting day and we are so thankful and blessed to both have jobs 3 months out of college!

I had an awesome time last weekend with two of my favorite college buddies, Gabby and Brittany.  They came to visit us, and Gabby delivered her amazing wedding gift to us.  She made us a wedding scrapbook with pictures from our dating life, engagement, and our wedding day and she was so thoughtful and kept bits and pieces of my shower and wedding day to incorporate in the pages of the book.  I love it and am so thankful that she took the time to make it!  We had a great time together going out to eat and doing girly stuff together.  It was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see them again in a few weeks when Arron and I go back to Oshkosh to visit for a weekend!  

I think that's it for now.  I should be getting my wedding pics very soon (I'm hoping today or tomorrow).  I can't wait to share them with everyone.  Since it is officially public now, I just have to say that I am sooo excited that my sister is pregnant and I will be an auntie again!!  I'm looking forward to babysitting the little munchkin on my days off.  For now, I will continue finding things to do on my off days, keeping myself busy.  Have a great week!

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